Friday, August 13, 2010

Fabulous Queen of the Month Award

I have decided, starting today, to award a Fabulous Queen of the Month Award.  This award will go to any person (homosexual, heterosexual, in-between, or confused) who have made us Queers proud, smile or made to feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Without further ado August's Fabulous Queen of the Month Award goes to

Steven Slater! 

1 comment:

Bitter Bitches said...

Colin Mckenzie, we live in a society where it's far more "acceptable" for two woman to kiss in public than it is for two guys.

I commend Bjohn Czepan, Annaleez Kloppers and her editorial team for publishing the photo. So what if it upset some small minded people, this is why a "gay kiss" on television caused such a stir many years ago but now it's more frequently seen.

I didn't know about this drama, thanks for informing me.

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